ElectriX – Make the Switch Now

For this product showcase we spoke to Gill Nowell, Head of EV Communications at LV= General Insurance, to learn about their new electric car proposition ElectriX.

LV= has launched ElectriX to help drivers lease, charge and insure an electric car. ElectriX offers a wide range of cars to lease, with many cars available within 12 weeks, as well as home charging and bespoke electric car insurance. The new website helps drivers decide whether an electric car is right for them, what it costs to own and run one, and how to charge – both at home and on the road.

From finding the right car through vehicle leasing experts CBVC, providing a home charging solution via leading provider Indra, and offering bespoke insurance from LV= General Insurance as well as useful guidance and advice, ElectriX is designed to give drivers confidence in electric cars.

For more information visit – www.lvelectrix.co.uk

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