THIS Super Efficient Radiator Is Made From Recycled Sand!

We love featuring new and innovative low carbon heating solutions, and today we have something a bit special! A radiator made from a high percentage of recycled materials such as waste sand and glass.

Imogen and Robert went to visit Claire and Andy Pedley, the founders of a small business called The Poured Project. They produce composite baths, basins and sinks and are currently in the process of developing composite radiators. The radiators are low-wattage and cost-effective to run an ideal alternative to gas and oil for heating.


0:00 Introduction
0:25 The Future of Home Heating
0:42 What is a Composite Radiator?
1:18 Let’s Talk Radiators
1:57 Running Costs
2:20 Traditional Radiator Vs Composite Radiator
2:40 The Creation Process
4:33 Safety
5:05 World First?
6:29 Plug and Play
6:50 Recycled Waste and Creativity!

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