Is The UK Ready For Heat Pumps?

Heat pumps in every home? Could this be a reality and is the UK ready? In today’s episode Imogen and the team went to visit the Swedish Heat Pump Company Aira Homes to discover how Sweden has been successful in its heat pump roll out.

Incredibly, 60% of homes have a heat pump, and over 90% of new heating solutions purchased are a heat pump! So we asked, what can the UK learn from Scandinavian countries where the temperature falls as low as -20 degrees in the Winter.

Note: Aira’s monthly payment plan to help make heat pumps accessible to more people will be available in the UK in the coming months.

Come and see the Aira Heat Pump at Everything Electric NORTH in Harrogate on 24th, 25th and 26th May 2024!


0:00 Heat Pumps in Every Home?
1:02 What Lessons Can We Take From Sweden and Apply to The UK?
2:23 How Constrained Could the Grid Become?
3:28 The Main Lesson From Sweden
4:07 Reducing the Spark Gap
4:34 Will a Heat Pump Provide a High Enough Temperature?
5:05 Aira Heat Pump Stats
7:17 Planning Permission
8:22 EPCs and Clean Tech
9:19 Aira’s Repayment Model
10:19 Average Monthly Payment and Payback
11:00 Looking forward

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