Help us improve! Have your say! Take our Clean Energy & EVs Survey

We are inviting our viewers from around the world to take part in our most comprehensive Clean Energy & EV survey to date.

Now, more than ever, it’s critically important to understand changing attitudes to clean energy and electric vehicles.

The survey is open to everyone – whether you own an Electric Vehicle or not – and we are working with WHICH? to reach those that Fully Charged does not.

So if you can participate we will be extremely grateful, even more so if you can invite your friends and family too. Maybe this is the moment you can switch them on to electric vehicles and clean energy?

It takes around 15 minutes to complete the survey and your data will be anonymised unless you opt-in at the end. You will receive no further contact unless you provide permission.

As a thank you, we will be conducting a prize draw for all participants and a lucky few could win:

  • EITHER 1 of 100 £20 vouchers for the Fully Charged STORE
  • OR one of a hundred donations of 5 tree plantings. via the EVBox ‘One Charger, One Tree’ initiative

The survey is open until midnight on 30th November 2020.


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EVBox & Liberty Charge

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