The LARGEST Electric Vehicle In The World!!

Robert is in Tasmania, where he’s about to witness something truly remarkable – the largest electric vehicle ever created! Get ready as Robert steps aboard an electric ferry, a groundbreaking vessel that’s paving the way for the future of sustainable travel on water.


0:00 Introduction to the largest electric vehicle ever!
0:55 Duracell competition advert
1:15 Incat history
1:30 Net zero island
1:45 History of the electric ferry!
2:50 First to build aluminium catamaran
3:45 Aluminum!
5:20 Ergonomics
5:35 Movement efficiency
6:20 Batteries
8:35 Wartsilla
8:40 Specifications
10:20 Summary & Goals
10:54 Duracell energy advert

@fullychargedshow @EverythingElectricShow

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