Podcast 283

How Human ‘Guinea Pigs’ Are Shaping YOUR Energy Future!

In this episode, Imogen is joined by Claire Rowland, a user experience and product development expert from the Living Lab and Whole Energy Systems Accelerator (WESA) to explore the future of the UK’s energy system.

The Living Lab is a community of 3,500 households across the UK that participates in trials of new clean energy technologies. It collects data from various energy sources in these homes and can control devices like EV chargers and heating systems. The Whole Energy Systems Accelerator (WESA) combines the Living Lab with other organisations’ capabilities to simulate the network impact of new innovations and test their performance under future conditions. In other words Claire and the team are trying to predict the future of energy using data from thousands of volunteers distributed across the UK!

As well as delving into the technical aspects of WESA’s operations, including the use of smart meters, digital integration platforms, and network emulation tools. Claire will also share insights into the challenges and opportunities of decarbonising energy and creating clean, equitable, inclusive and seamless systems that make every household’s lives that little bit better.

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Living Lab – How Human 'Guinea Pigs' Are Shaping YOUR Energy Future!
The Fully Charged Podcast

Podcast 283

September 9, 2024

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