Podcast 26

FC Live 2019 – What’s the same as a cheeseburger? Why what we eat matters…

Finally Maddie Moate debuts on the podcast. This podcast carries on the Fully Charged Live talks on 7th, 8th and 9th June 2019. This particular talk was recorded on the 7th June and is titled What’s the same as a cheeseburger? Why what we eat matters…

I was delighted to put forward this idea after I had written my article for the upcoming Fully Charged Almanac 2020, and with the excellent panelists of:

  • Dale Vince from Ecotricity
  • Jarvis Smith from My Green Pod
  • Tayana Symons from Viva

There was lots of energy and passion in the room.

Maddie Moate at Fully Charged LIVE 2019

On the move or at home listen to this podcast here…