Everyone knows how to buy a Car right? Take time out from your day, head to the dealer of the manufacturer you like the look of, walk into the marble floored green house of hydrocarbon burners, where you are greeted by the target driven, hair quaffed salesperson, who’s looking at you through your wallet’s achievements to present yourself, judging you. Then the game begins. You’re in their lair. You’re about to be force fed all the information on the one car that might fit a few of your needs, and it most likely won’t be Electric.
We at TryEV think that buying a car should be your choice, your time, your decision driven by you.
With EV’s set to be the biggest change in vehicle sales since the advent of Hire Purchase schemes, TryEV sets out to present the growing choice of vehicles and financial mechanisms with an open non manufacturer specific platform, revolutionizing the buying process to make it easy, convenient and a lot less pressured.
And so the concept of Try EV was born.
I might be considered an unusual ambassador for the clean vehicle agenda, coming from a sports background, and a basic regular Joe but I am an avid supporter and proactive developer of zero emission transport and TryEV is the result. The concept for this disruptive business has come about through a drive and passion to want to proactively influence a reduction in pollution and improve air quality. For this project it was important to think about the boundaries for clean vehicle uptake, the implementation of new purchase platforms and media, and the ability to provide choice to a hydrocarbon saturated market.
Through direct access to EV based vehicle manufactures and with one to one comparisons of all aspects of the purchase the buyer would be free from the relentless marketing, promotion and brand campaigns that traditional automotive outlets force on the public.
In 2018 Try EV ventured out to test the market place for this radically new way of aligning EV vehicle products to buyers through an “experience based” model.
We cannot deny the human senses that need to experience the proposition. However, with the increase in anonymised online procurement of brown cardboard boxes and decrease in high street direct sales this moment of sensory fulfilment by the purchaser is potentially on the wane.
Our bold movement was to provide a platform for the buyer to have all the convenience and flexibility of the online purchase, but with sensory benefits of experiencing the uniqueness of the EV. From the touch of the sculpted exterior, to the practicality of the boot, the lights, sounds and smells of the new car can be delivered to the buyer to experience and to fall in love with, or, to remove from the desire list.
Simply “Try the EV” is the concept, with the intelligent process of comparing as many EV’s as possible in one place, for range, practicality, suitability, size, price, benefits etc. and then giving the buyer access to their selection either through direct test drives or local urban pop up experience sessions where you can pop along when convenient, before selecting the purchase mechanism that suits your needs.
So far Try EV has developed from its first simple steps of client engagement where the concept was tested at the 2018 London Motorshow and onto Winter 2019 following shows, events, awards, investments, team development, right through to where Try EV has boldly launched its first round of Crowdfunding.
With crowdfunding the opportunity for members of the public to access and invest in business opportunities has never been so easy. Whether this be a small cash sums or a strategic portfolio investment from a seasoned venture capitalist, crowdfunding is a simple straightforward mechanism for investment.
Based on the current project business model, Try EV has already raised over 50% of the seed funding required to set up the foundation stages of the business through crowdfunding and direct investment. With the hard work of Try EV team of business developers, financial planners, and automotive experts the Try EV model’s plan is to roll out through key strategic geographical areas in the UK with its unique service, in the next 12 months.
With most of the major manufactures aligned to Try EV and a growing list of financial services and offerings being signed up. Try EV is gearing up to be a formidable disruptor to the diesel and petrol sales of vehicles in the UK.
Of course, it’s not just the UK that are a potential target for this kind of online direct to customer experience, elsewhere in Europe there is interest in this proactive approach to promoting the sales of EV platforms and from the most unlikely of areas. Areas in Europe that are suffering the highest levels of traffic pollution in towns and cities are proactively looking at mechanisms to introduce EVs to their vehicle stock and promote their up take to the otherwise un informed public. Try EV executive director Dr Dorian Hindmarsh has been invited to speak on the matter at the 4th Annual Facilities Management Conference in Athens in November.
To learn more about how you could be one of the small number of initial investors in the Try EV vehicle purchasing revolution please check out our crowd cube page at Crowdcube.com/tryev.
And to follow Try EV on its journey to sell the world clean, zero emission vehicles, check out www.tryev.com, Twitter and LinkedIn.
About the authors
Gerard Chaustow – Founder and Director
Gerard turned his attention to the EV Industry In 2012. Gerard was a contributor to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Air Pollution, giving his Insight to MPs to help them make meaningful decisions and policy changes to Improve the lives of city-dwellers. Gerard is regularly invited as a speaker to EV industry conferences and events.
Dr Dorian Hindmarsh – Non Executive Director
Dorian has been working as Business Development Manager, COO, CEO and Director in the Automotive, Clean Tech, Blue chip, Service and Motorsport sectors for Global clients. Dorian is proud to be the instigator and one of the founder members of the historic development team that built the world’s first EV shooting brake, the fastest accelerating estate car in the world.